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Summer 2025: June 2 - august 1
Join us for 9 fun-filled weeks!


what to expect for summer 2025 COMING SOON



what to expect for summer 2024



Campers do not have to enroll in the whole summer, but will be required to select a minimum of 3 weeks.  Also, please note this summer in order to be eligible for Session 9, campers must enroll in 7 or more total sessions (including Session 9) or register for Stars & Comets for the 2024 - 2025 school year.



More than ever, it is extremely important that you only sign your child up for the weeks they will attend this summer.  After registering, families can cancel a session for a camper by May 29 at 50% of the cost of tuition. After May 29, full tuition will be due whether your child attends or not.



Target group sizes will again be 18 students.  We have updated the separations of our rising 2nd grade class to be able to do this better this summer (more on that below).



In order to continue to offer group sizes that we are proud of, we have made the decision to split 2nd Grade by birth date this summer. 2nd Grade campers born on or before 12/31/16 will be placed with Expedition. 2nd Grade campers born on or after 1/1/17 will be placed with Bear Packs. We believe this will also help split the group more appropriately (by age) and more evenly. Families may opt to have their child born before 1/1/17 remain with the Bear Packs (if space is available), but similar to camp policy for other grade moves, we cannot move younger students up. Thank you for your understanding with this.



This summer you have the option for a first choice and second choice for friend placement requests for your child.  Please note that ONLY one child may be listed on each line.  Also, the first choice listed will be the child we work diligently to place your camper with; however, if the child listed as the first choice does not register for camp (or is not in the same age group as your child), we will work diligently to place your camper with the child listed as their second choice.  Again, the second choice will not be considered UNLESS the first choice is either not registered for camp or is not in the same age group as your child.



​Please remember that the most significant way to prevent this and many other illnesses is to NOT SEND your child to camp if he / she is feeling ill in any way or has any symptoms.  Campers who are ill, whether the illness is communicable or not, should not attend camp. Camp will continue our health policy from that past few summers:


Campers who exhibit any signs of illness (including, but not limited to a fever) will not be admitted to camp. Campers who develop a fever, or exhibit any other signs of illness during the camp day, will need to be picked up from camp immediately. As a parent you understand and agree to pick up (or make arrangements to have your child picked up) within 1 hour of being notified of him / her becoming ill. Campers who
inform camp staff of any illnesses or symptoms (whether verifiable or not) will also fall under this category and will need to be picked

Similar to Pinellas County Schools, Camp CUBBER has a "no-nit" policy. Anyone with live lice or nits will be sent home from camp until all
nits and lice are removed. Campers will be checked upon returning to camp. Camp CUBBER may also check for suspected cases of lice,
check entire groups where suspected or actual cases have been reported, and / or do random lice checks as deemed necessary or

appropriate by camp administration. If you discover your child has lice, please inform the camp office right away.

In addition, please note that campers who test positive for COVID-19, or any communicable disease, will need to remain out of camp for the
time period recommended by the CDC and / or Florida Dept. of Health. Campers who have been exposed to COVID-19 will not be required
to isolate, as long as that exposure is not ongoing. If exposure occurs inside the home and the camper is not able to isolate from the
person(s) with COVID-19, camper will need to remain out of camp until exposure has ended (everyone is healthy again). The decision to
wear a face mask for staff, campers, and parents / guardians will again be optional. That said, while it currently seems unlikely, as this
situation is still “fluid”, the face mask expectations could change throughout the course of the summer. I agree to comply (and have my child
comply) with all current camper health expectations.
  At this point, thankfully we do not foresee any full group, classroom, or campus wide closures due to cases of COVID-19, as that policy has now been updated by the state and local officials.  That said, as mentioned above, this is still a fluid situation and as with most things could become subject to change.  Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this.



We have some amazing field trips lined up for Camp CUBBER 2024!  In addition, campers will also enjoy at least one special onsite activity and one fun spirit day each week as well.  Those will be listed on the field trip / activity schedule once finalized (prior to the start of registration).


Please remember that Camp CUBBER does not have control of the weather and there is always a possibility that an outdoor field trip could be rained out, especially during the summer.  There are also other circumstances that may occur that are outside of our control (field trip location issue, transportation issue, etc.).  Camp DOES NOT have the ability to move or reschedule trips.  If possible, the cancelled trip will be replaced with a special onsite event.  NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN DUE TO FIELD TRIP CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES.



Registration:  $49 (Stars & Comets), $59 (Returning Campers), $69 (New Campers)

Weekly Tuition* (K - 4th Grade):  $169 per week / per child for Sessions 1 - 4, 6 - 9; $99 per child / per week for Session 5

Weekly Tuition* (5th - 8th Grade):  $179 per week / per child for Sessions 1 - 4, 6 - 8; $109 per child / per week for Session 5; $189 per child per week for Session 9

*Sibling discount of $5 per week available on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th child (must be attending same weeks).



Campers will need to bring a lunch from home daily (and campers will eat in their classrooms).  Camp  will again provide a lunch on Fridays for all campers at no additional cost (included in your tuition).  Typically that will be a pizza lunch.  Pizza lunch will include one or two slices of pizza, chips, dessert, and drink.  If you feel like that will not be enough lunch for your child, you are obviously welcome to pack a supplemental lunch on Fridays.  Some field trips may include lunch as part of the trip.  Those will be noted as such on the Week @ A Glance Calendar.  Camp will also continue to offer afternoon snack (also included).



We will offer car circle from 7:00 AM - 9:15 AM.  This is the preferred way to drop off campers in the morning.  Campers will be assigned one of three drop-off locations (based on grade of the child).  If there is a line, camper must remain in their vehicle until driver is able to pull up to the check in staff.  Families with campers in multiple age groups may have to visit multiple check-in locations.  If your child is not present by 9:15 AM when car circle closes, he / she will be considered absent for the day.  If your child has an earlier departure than 9:15 AM for a field trip he / she will need to arrive at the earlier field trip departure time, which will be listed on the Week @ a Glance Calendars during the summer.



Campers should be picked up between 3:45 PM and 6:00 PM by coming into the building.  Parents will need to park and come in using the double doors underneath the large blue overhang.  Advance notice will be needed if pickup must occur before 3:45 PM.  Camp ends promptly at 6:00 PM.  Because the pickup process will take longer than in prior years, please be sure to plan accordingly and allow yourself additional time to come into the facility, sign out, and proceed to your child’s room by arriving prior to 5:55 PM.  Late fees will be strictly enforced this summer.



Most groups will have 2 group leaders working opposite shifts.  One group leader will work a morning shift, and one will work an afternoon shift.  These will primarily be the same group leaders interacting with your child throughout the course of the summer.  We hope that campers will establish fantastic relationships with their group leaders again this summer as that has always been one of the best parts of Camp CUBBER.



Being active is a big part of camp and that won’t change!  Campers will have both indoor and an outdoor active play time.  Indoor active play will be in the gymnasium or another larger room and outdoor active play will be on the playground, field, court, etc.  Both indoor and outdoor active play time will still be with only the campers in their group.  There will also be active games as part of the regular daily camp activities in each group’s room.



We have learned a lot during the last few years, and one of those things is how nice it is for campers to have a dedicated space.  Campers will have a homeroom where extended care, lunch, group activities, as well as many of their other daily activities will occur.  That said, campers will have the opportunity to leave their homeroom throughout the day for some of their classes and activities, including: open session, indoor active play, twice for outdoor active play (weather permitting), a visit to the game room, build & play, and of course for field trips and special onsite activities.  In addition, campers will enjoy both art and STEM as a classroom teacher visits each room to do projects with each group.  Plus, group leaders will be provided with materials, curriculum, and technical assistance to do several camp style activities during the day including things like art, STEM, music, group games, and more.



Perhaps it goes without saying, but we plan to maintain our already stringent cleaning practices.  Campers will wash hands regularly (and always before and after doing things like going to / from active play, going to use the bathroom, or even playing a group game in the classroom with any shared materials, etc.).  Hand washing will be done in the presence of a staff member to make sure it is being done appropriately and hand sanitizer will be used if / when a staff member cannot directly observe hand washing (or a sink is not available).  Classrooms will continue to be thoroughly cleaned at night and areas that are likely “hot spots” like doorknobs, handles, faucets, and shared play equipment will be cleaned / sanitized rigorously.



In addition to all of the new field trips and special activities, we have a few other things we are excited to add this summer...


Last summer we "dipped our toes into the water" of having sports / special activities available (for a modest additional cost) after the camp activity day had ended. We will be launching an expanded version of that program this summer, which will be known as CUBBER+ (yeah, I know... everyone has to have a +). CUBBER+ will have several different options throughout the course of the summer AND will be a weekly enrollment, instead of requiring enrollment for all summer (or nearly all summer). We are very excited about this upcoming addition. More information on the offerings and how to sign up for those will be available as we get closer to the start of camp.


Another exciting addition for 2024 will be our new CUBBER Nights option. This summer we will be having select Friday nights where care is available (for an additional cost) beyond our normal 6:00 PM closing time. Those evenings, known as CUBBER Nights, will include care until 9:00 PM with dinner provided and lots of special activities, more time with friends, and even a few surprises. More information about CUBBER Nights will also be available as we get closer to the start of camp.


This summer, we will be doing an End of Summer Bash available for families that signed up for the entire summer with us at Camp CUBBER. The event will have limited availability (with advanced signups required) and will be hosted at Largo Recreation's Highland Family Aquatics Center. More details will follow after registration ends for those families that qualify. Looking forward to a fantastic summer!


We look forward to having you join us for a fantastic 2024 SUMMER CAMP!

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Camp CUBBER is proud to be a ministry of Palm Harbor United Methodist Church

© 2018 by Camp CUBBER

A ministry of Palm Harbor United Methodist Church

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